10 lead generation techniques for b2b companies

Beyond the Funnel: Why B2B Marketing Must Prioritize Brand Building Over Lead Gen

In the fast-paced world of B2B marketing, there’s an overwhelming focus on lead generation and immediate results. Marketers are constantly pressured to deliver quantifiable outcomes, leading to an obsession with metrics like click-through rates, form fills, and qualified leads. While these short-term tactics have their place, they often overshadow a critical component of long-term success: brand building. This blog post explores why B2B marketing needs to shift its focus from pure lead generation to a more balanced approach that prioritizes brand building.

The Current State of B2B Marketing

For years, B2B marketing has been dominated by a lead generation-centric approach. This focus stems from the need to demonstrate immediate ROI and fill sales pipelines. As a result, many B2B marketers have become experts at creating tactical campaigns designed to capture leads quickly. From gated content and webinars to paid search and retargeting ads, the toolkit of a B2B marketer is often geared towards one goal: generating leads.

While this approach has its merits, it’s becoming increasingly clear that it’s not enough in today’s competitive landscape. The relentless pursuit of leads has led to several unintended consequences:

  1. Market saturation: With everyone employing similar tactics, it’s becoming harder to stand out.
  2. Increased costs: As competition for attention increases, so does the cost of acquiring leads.
  3. Lower quality leads: The pressure to generate more leads often results in capturing less qualified prospects.
  4. Short-term thinking: Focus on immediate results can come at the expense of long-term strategy.

Limitations of a Lead Gen-Centric Approach

The limitations of an exclusively lead generation-focused strategy are becoming more apparent:

  1. Diminishing returns: As markets become saturated with similar content and offers, the effectiveness of lead gen tactics decreases over time.
  2. Ad fatigue: Prospects are bombarded with messages, leading to decreased engagement and higher costs per lead.
  3. Lack of differentiation: When every competitor is using similar tactics, it becomes challenging to stand out and create a unique value proposition.
  4. Neglect of existing customers: The focus on acquiring new leads often comes at the expense of nurturing and retaining existing customers.
  5. Pressure on sales teams: A high volume of unqualified leads can overwhelm sales teams, reducing overall efficiency.

These limitations highlight the need for a more balanced approach that incorporates brand building alongside lead generation efforts.

The Power of Brand Building in B2B

Brand building, often associated with B2C marketing, is equally crucial in the B2B space. A strong brand offers several benefits that complement and enhance lead generation efforts:

  1. Enhanced trust and credibility: In B2B transactions, where stakes are often high, trust is paramount. A strong brand helps establish credibility before the first interaction.
  2. Improved customer loyalty and retention: Strong brands create emotional connections, leading to higher customer loyalty and retention rates.
  3. Higher quality leads: When prospects are familiar with your brand, they’re more likely to engage with your content and convert into high-quality leads.
  4. Shorter sales cycles: Brand awareness can expedite the decision-making process, as prospects are already familiar with your company and offerings.
  5. Support for premium pricing: Strong brands can command higher prices, improving profit margins.
  6. Talent attraction: A reputable brand helps attract top talent, indirectly contributing to product and service quality.

The Evolving B2B Buyer Journey

The B2B buying process has changed dramatically in recent years, further emphasizing the importance of brand building:

  1. Self-directed research: B2B buyers now conduct extensive research before engaging with sales representatives. Gartner reports that B2B buyers spend only 17% of their time meeting with potential suppliers when considering a purchase.
  2. Multiple decision-makers: The average B2B purchase now involves 6 to 10 decision-makers. A strong brand helps influence this diverse group of stakeholders.
  3. Early-stage influence: Brand awareness plays a crucial role in the early stages of the buyer journey, often determining which companies make it to the shortlist.
  4. Content consumption: B2B buyers consume an average of 13 pieces of content before making a decision, according to FocusVision. A strong brand increases the likelihood of your content being consumed and trusted.

In this context, relying solely on lead generation tactics means missing out on crucial touchpoints in the buyer journey. Brand building ensures your company is present and influential throughout the entire process.

Balancing Brand Building and Lead Generation

The solution isn’t to abandon lead generation entirely but to find a balance between short-term lead gen tactics and long-term brand building strategies. Here’s how to approach this balance:

  1. Allocate resources strategically: Dedicate a portion of your marketing budget specifically to brand-building activities.
  2. Integrate brand messaging into lead gen campaigns: Ensure that your lead generation efforts also contribute to overall brand awareness and positioning.
  3. Focus on thought leadership: Develop and share insights that position your brand as an industry leader, attracting high-quality leads organically.
  4. Leverage content marketing: Create valuable, non-promotional content that addresses your audience’s pain points, building trust and credibility over time.
  5. Invest in customer experience: Recognize that every interaction with a customer or prospect is a brand-building opportunity.
  6. Measure long-term metrics: While tracking short-term lead gen metrics, also monitor brand health indicators like brand awareness, consideration, and loyalty.

Case Studies: Successful B2B Brand Building

Several B2B companies have successfully leveraged brand building to drive growth:

  1. Salesforce: Beyond its product offerings, Salesforce has built a strong brand around innovation and customer success. Their Dreamforce conference and thought leadership content contribute significantly to their brand equity.
  2. IBM: Despite facing challenges, IBM has consistently invested in its brand, positioning itself as a leader in emerging technologies like AI and quantum computing.
  3. HubSpot: Starting as a small inbound marketing software provider, HubSpot has built a powerful brand through consistent messaging, valuable content, and a focus on education.
  4. Slack: Slack disrupted the B2B communication space not just with its product, but with a brand that emphasized simplicity, collaboration, and workplace satisfaction.

These companies demonstrate that investing in brand building alongside product development and lead generation can lead to sustained success in the B2B space.

Practical Steps for B2B Marketers

To enhance brand building efforts, B2B marketers can:

  1. Develop a clear brand strategy: Define your brand’s purpose, values, and unique positioning in the market.
  2. Create consistent brand experiences: Ensure all touchpoints, from your website to customer service, reflect your brand values.
  3. Invest in content marketing: Develop high-quality, valuable content that addresses your audience’s needs and positions your brand as a thought leader.
  4. Leverage employee advocacy: Encourage employees to become brand ambassadors, expanding your reach authentically.
  5. Focus on customer stories: Highlight customer successes to build credibility and showcase your brand’s impact.
  6. Engage in community building: Foster a community around your brand through events, forums, or social media groups.
  7. Collaborate with other brands: Strategic partnerships can expand your reach and reinforce your brand positioning.

Measuring the Impact of Brand Building

While measuring the impact of brand building can be challenging, it’s crucial to track progress. Key metrics to consider include:

  1. Brand awareness: Measure unaided and aided brand recall through surveys.
  2. Brand consideration: Track the percentage of your target audience that would consider your brand when making a purchase.
  3. Share of voice: Monitor your brand’s presence in industry conversations compared to competitors.
  4. Customer loyalty and retention: Measure repeat purchases and customer lifetime value.
  5. Employee satisfaction and retention: Strong brands often correlate with higher employee satisfaction and retention rates.
  6. Premium pricing power: Assess your ability to command higher prices compared to competitors.
  7. Earned media value: Track the value of organic mentions and coverage of your brand.


While lead generation remains an important aspect of B2B marketing, it’s clear that a more balanced approach incorporating brand building is necessary for long-term success. By investing in your brand, you create a foundation that not only supports lead generation efforts but also builds lasting relationships with customers, attracts top talent, and positions your company for sustained growth.

As the B2B landscape continues to evolve, those who prioritize brand building alongside tactical lead generation will be best positioned to thrive. It’s time for B2B marketers to look beyond the funnel and invest in the power of their brand.

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