What is Email Marketing and How to Do It Right [2024 Guide]

Email Marketing: How to Do It Right [2024 Guide]

Email marketing is a key tool for businesses to connect with customers and boost sales. It brings back an average of $36 for every $1 spent, making it a top choice for direct marketing1. By 2022, 68% of businesses used email to reach their audience, showing its popularity in business plans1. With over 4.37 billion people using email worldwide in 2023, it offers a huge chance to spread your message1.

This guide will cover everything you need to know about email marketing, from the basics to advanced tactics. By the end, you’ll know how to create an email marketing plan that works for your business.

Key Takeaways

  • Email marketing can bring in up to $42 for every $1 spent2.
  • It’s 40 times better at converting customers than social media sites like Facebook and Twitter2.
  • 99% of people check their emails every day, making it a great way to connect2.
  • It’s a permission-based method, helping you build a dedicated audience that looks forward to hearing from you2.
  • Using email marketing can also improve your other marketing efforts, like social media1.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a key digital strategy that lets businesses reach out to their audience directly through email3. It’s a top marketing tool, along with SEM, SEO, and affiliate marketing3. This method can bring in a big return on investment, with a study showing it can earn $36 for every dollar spent4. Email is also the third most popular way for B2B marketers to share content4.

Definition and Overview

Email marketing sends messages to people who have agreed to hear from a business3. It’s a direct way for companies to share news, sales, and updates with customers3. Since people choose to get these emails, it’s more likely to work well compared to other methods3.

How Email Marketing Works

Good email marketing needs a list of engaged subscribers, an ESP, and clear goals5. Companies use it to send different types of emails, like welcome messages and newsletters5. By knowing what their customers like, businesses can build lasting relationships and boost sales with personalized emails5.

“Email marketing is key to success, with 87% of marketers seeing it as vital to their strategy.”4

In short, email marketing is a direct and powerful way for businesses to connect with their audience and increase sales. By using email, companies can strengthen relationships, boost brand awareness, and meet their marketing goals345.

Why Email Marketing is Important

Benefits of Email Marketing

Email marketing is a key tool in digital marketing, offering many advantages. It’s known as one of the best ways to market online because it’s affordable6. It lets businesses reach from a few dozen to thousands of customers6.

It’s great for building brand awareness and loyalty without directly selling. Through educational emails and newsletters, you keep your business in customers’ minds. This builds long-term relationships6. Automated campaigns can also help turn leads into customers6.

  • Cost-effectiveness6
  • Measurable results6
  • Customizable outreach6
  • Increased brand awareness6
  • Ownership of contact lists6

Email marketing gives you valuable data to improve your strategies. You can track open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates7. Using personalized content and automated workflows makes your emails more effective7.

Also, email marketing has a great return on investment, from 3,600% to 4,500%7. When customers choose to get your emails, they’re more likely to engage with your brand7. Email is a big way to drive traffic to your site, keeping your brand in customers’ minds and building trust7.

High ROIEmail marketing can deliver an ROI ranging from 3,600% to 4,500%7.
ScalableEmail marketing can adapt to fit different audience sizes and business needs7.
Two-way CommunicationEmail marketing enables brands to foster deeper connections with their audience7.
Familiar ChannelEmail is used by diverse age groups, enhancing its reach and engagement7.
Owned AssetEmail lists are a brand’s owned asset, ensuring direct access to the audience7.

In summary, email marketing is a powerful digital strategy. It boosts sales, brand awareness, and customer loyalty8. With its high ROI, scalability, and connection-building, it’s a top tool for marketers8.

Types of Email Marketing Campaigns

Email marketing covers a wide range of campaigns, each with its own goal. From showing off new products to keeping people interested, the right mix of emails can help your business grow9.

Promotional Emails

Promotional emails highlight your products or services. They can include news about new items, special deals, or content like e-books. These emails aim to get people to buy something9.

Informational Emails

Informational emails, like newsletters, share news and updates. They help your brand stand out and give value to your readers. This strengthens their bond with your company9.

Retention Emails

Retention emails keep customers interested and coming back. They include welcome messages, guides, and emails to reactivate old customers. By making customers happy, these emails can make them more loyal9.

Transactional Emails

Transactional emails are sent automatically when something happens, like when an order is placed or shipped. They might seem simple, but they’re key to making customers happy and keeping your business running smoothly9.

Email Campaign TypePurposeExamples
PromotionalShowcase products, services, or special offersNew product announcements, limited-time discounts, gated content
InformationalShare industry news, company updates, and educational contentNewsletters, company blogs, industry insights
RetentionKeep customers engaged and coming backWelcome emails, onboarding sequences, product how-to guides, reactivation campaigns
TransactionalAutomated messages triggered by user actionsOrder confirmations, shipping notifications, abandoned cart reminders

“Email marketing remains one of the most effective digital marketing channels, with an average return on investment of $36 for every $1 spent.”10

Building an Email List

Building a strong email list is key to successful email marketing. Start small and grow your list by offering value that makes people want to share their email. Lead magnets and opt-in forms are great ways to build your list.

Lead Magnets

Lead magnets are free things like e-books or guides that draw in your audience. They give people a reason to share their email address. Make sure these magnets are right for your audience and solve a problem they have11.

Pop-up forms can increase sign-ups by up to 40%11. Making these forms personal can boost sign-ups by 30-50%11.

Opt-in Forms

Opt-in forms get people’s okay to send them emails. Put these forms on your website, like on landing pages and in the sidebar11. Using pop-ups that ask fun questions can make people more engaged and help you get more sign-ups11.

Also, sending fewer, more targeted emails can be more effective11. By using lead magnets and opt-in forms, you can grow a list of people who really care about your business. Remember, making emails personal helps a lot with getting people to pay attention11.

email list building

Choosing an Email Marketing Service

Choosing the right email service provider (ESP) is key to managing your email marketing well. An ESP helps you manage your email list, segment your audience, and send personalized messages. It also lets you automate your efforts and work with other marketing tools your business uses12.

When looking at email marketing services, think about your budget, what you need, how big your team is, and what features are a must for your business. Important features to consider include:

  • List management and segmentation capabilities
  • Automation and scheduling tools
  • Customizable email templates and design options
  • Detailed analytics and reporting
  • Integrations with other marketing platforms
  • Compliance with email regulations and data privacy standards

Choosing the right email marketing service helps you streamline your efforts, boost campaign performance, and give your subscribers a personalized experience. In fact, 90 percent of leading marketers agree that personalization significantly contributes to business profitability12. With the right platform, you can make the most of your email marketing strategy and see real results for your business.

“Email users have increased steadily from 4 billion in 2020 to a projected 4.73 billion in 2026, indicating a growing audience engaged in email communication13.”

Email marketing is getting more profitable, with revenue jumping from $7.5 billion in 2020 to a projected $15.81 billion in 202613. By using the right email marketing service, businesses can tap into this growing market and send impactful, personalized campaigns that connect with their audience.

Email Marketing Strategy and Goals

Starting a successful email marketing plan means knowing who you’re talking to and what they need. Setting clear goals helps you make campaigns that really help your business14. A clean email list boosts open and response rates, but bad addresses can hurt your reputation14. By segmenting customers, you can send more relevant emails and keep more subscribers14.

Personalizing your emails is key to success. Using dynamic content and automated campaigns can make your emails feel more personal14. Sending emails at the right time can also make people more likely to engage14.

Subject lines matter a lot for getting people to open your emails, especially on mobile14. Knowing when to send emails can make people more likely to respond14. Clear calls-to-action can help guide people to what you want them to do14.

Using automation tools and customizable templates makes email marketing easier and more effective14. Good email templates can make your brand look professional and keep people interested14.

Key Email Marketing MetricsDefinitionImportance
Open RateThe percentage of recipients who open your email.Shows how good your subject lines and content are.
Click-Through Rate (CTR)The percentage of recipients who click on a link in your email.Shows how engaging and relevant your email is.
Conversion RateThe percentage of recipients who take a desired action, like buying something or filling out a form.Shows how well your emails help you meet your goals.
Unsubscribe RateThe percentage of recipients who stop receiving your emails.Helps you see what you can improve in your emails.
Bounce RateThe percentage of emails that can’t be delivered.Shows how good your email list is and affects your reputation.

Setting your email marketing goals to be SMART can really help your business15. Email marketing is expected to grow a lot, with over four billion users worldwide15. Focusing on subscriber segments is a top strategy for marketers15. Most marketers have seen more engagement in their emails from last year to this year15.

To reach your email marketing goals, you need a plan based on data and strategy16. Know your audience, send emails at the right time, and use the right tools and metrics for success16. Email marketing can bring a big return on investment, and many successful campaigns focus on subscriber segments and personalization16.

Email List Segmentation

Segmenting your email contacts into small groups based on demographics, behaviors, and preferences makes sure each person gets emails they care about. This approach boosts open rates by 46%17. Also, targeted emails bring in 58% of all revenue17.

Segmenting your email list shows you care about what your audience likes. This builds trust and helps turn them into loyal customers. Here are some ways to segment your list:

  • Segment by buying habits, like targeting those who bought recently, often, or not in a while17.
  • Create a VIP list for your most loyal customers with special offers17.
  • Target those who left items in their cart with reminders to buy17.
  • Segment by how often people want to hear from you to lower unsubscribes17.
  • Group subscribers by what they downloaded, showing their interests17.

Tools from email service providers like OptinMonster help with targeted opt-ins and adding subscribers to the right groups17. Using email list segmentation and personalization can greatly improve your marketing. Segmented campaigns see a 100.95% higher click rate18 and a 760% revenue boost18.

“Segmented email marketing campaigns have been noted to receive 100.95% higher click rates compared to non-segmented campaigns.”18

Segmentation TacticBenefits
Segmenting by LocationGreat for local businesses or when a product/service is region-specific17.
Segmenting by BehaviorTarget siblings who often buy a product with related product info17.
Segmenting by Purchase HistoryTarget customers based on when they bought, how often, or how long ago17.

Using email list segmentation can greatly improve your marketing campaigns. It boosts engagement and drives more revenue for your business1819.

Personalization and Automation

Email marketing has become more dynamic with the use of personalization and automation. Email personalization makes your messages more relevant by tailoring content to each person. Email marketing automation sends emails based on actions, like sending reminders for abandoned carts. Together, these tools make emails more impactful and engaging.

Personalized emails are 26% more likely to get opened20 and can increase sales by up to 20%20. In fact, they can boost revenue by up to 5.7 times20. Emails with personalized subject lines also see a 26% increase in opens20. Brands like Dropbox, Starbucks, and Airbnb use these strategies to connect better with customers.

AI has changed email marketing by making it more personalized and timely21. It helps marketers understand their audience and send targeted campaigns21. AI also predicts campaign success, optimizes send times, and helps make better decisions21.

Using personalization and automation, you can make your emails more engaging and personal. This leads to higher open rates, more conversions, and stronger customer loyalty.

“Personalization is no longer a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have in today’s competitive email marketing landscape.”

Personalization TacticsAutomation Strategies
  • Personalized subject lines
  • Customized email content
  • Targeted product recommendations
  • Personalized feedback requests
  • Segmentation based on purchase history and preferences
  1. Welcome sequences
  2. Abandoned cart reminders
  3. Nurture campaigns
  4. Behavioral-triggered emails
  5. Scheduled promotional emails

By using email personalization and email marketing automation, you can make your emails more engaging. This leads to higher engagement and conversions for your business2021.

Mobile Optimization for Emails

Today, more than 60% of emails are opened on mobile devices22. It’s key to make your email marketing mobile-friendly. This means using responsive design that works well on all screen sizes23.

Here are some tips for making your emails work well on mobile:

  • Make your images smaller to speed up loading and improve the user experience22.
  • Keep your subject lines short for different mobile email clients. Android likes 30-45 characters, while iOS prefers 50-9024.
  • Make your email easy to read and navigate on small screens22.
  • Use big, easy-to-tap call-to-action (CTA) buttons22.
  • Check your emails on various mobile devices to make sure they look good and work well22.

By following these tips, you can make your email marketing work better on mobile. This helps you connect with your audience, no matter what device they use2223.

“Email marketing gives you more control over your content than social media. Targeted emails help make sure your message gets to the right people, which boosts engagement.”22

Use mobile-friendly emails to grow your business and build strong relationships with your customers2223.

Design and Content Best Practices

Creating effective email campaigns means paying close attention to subject lines, email copy, and design. By following top industry tips, you can grab your audience’s attention and boost engagement.

Subject Lines

The subject line is key to getting your email opened. Stay away from clickbait and tricks that can hurt trust and increase unsubscribes25. Instead, aim for clear, engaging subject lines that tell the reader what the email is about. Adding the recipient’s name or location can also help get more opens25. Keep your subject lines under 60 characters for mobile visibility and avoid all caps or too much punctuation25.

Email Copy

Your email should be easy to read, focused on what your audience cares about, and written in a friendly tone. Use personal touches like addressing the reader by name to make it feel more personal25. Make sure it looks good on mobile with short paragraphs and clear calls-to-action.

Visuals and Formatting

The look of your email, including layout, images, type, and colors, is very important for a professional look26. Use your brand’s logo, colors, and style in your emails26. Make sure your emails work well on mobile by using a design that changes size and placing your calls-to-action well26.

Best Practices for Email DesignBenefits
Use a consistent brand visual identityReinforces brand recognition and trust
Utilize a maximum of two fontsMaintains a clean, professional look
Employ a complementary color schemeEnhances visual appeal and readability
Keep the design simple and aesthetically pleasingProvides a seamless user experience

By matching your email marketing with your brand and design, you can make campaigns that look good and connect with your audience26.

Measuring Email Marketing Success

It’s key to track important email marketing metrics to see how well your campaigns are doing. By looking at key data, you can make your email marketing better and get better results over time27.

Key Email Marketing Metrics

Important email marketing metrics to watch include:

  • Open rates: The percentage of people who opened your email28.
  • Click-through rates: The percentage of people who clicked on a link in your email28.
  • Bounce rates: The percentage of emails that couldn’t be delivered, either because it was a hard bounce (permanent) or soft bounce (temporary)28.
  • Unsubscribe rates: The percentage of people who stopped getting your emails28.
  • Conversion rates: The percentage of people who did what you wanted them to do, like buy something28.
  • Return on investment (ROI): How well your email marketing is doing in terms of cost28.

Email marketing tools give you detailed reports and analytics to track these metrics. This helps you make your campaigns better for better results27.

Open RatePercentage of emails opened by recipients15-25%
Click-Through RatePercentage of recipients who clicked on a link in the email2-5%
Bounce RatePercentage of emails that couldn’t be deliveredLess than 2%
Unsubscribe RatePercentage of recipients who stopped getting your emailsLess than 0.5%
Conversion RatePercentage of recipients who took a desired actionVaries by industry
ROIReturn on investment for email marketing campaigns$42 for every $1 spent29

By keeping an eye on these key email marketing metrics, you can learn a lot about how your campaigns are doing. This helps you make smart choices to improve your email marketing strategy27.

“Email marketing is known for its great return on investment (ROI), with businesses making $42 for every $1 spent29. It’s key to match your email marketing with your business goals for the best results.”

You can also look at other data like device stats, spam score, customer lifetime value, and cost per acquisition. This gives you a fuller picture of your email marketing success28.

Remember, good email marketing is not just about sending messages. It’s about always checking and improving your campaigns to get real results for your business.

What is Email Marketing and How to Do It Right [2024 Guide]

Email marketing is a key part of digital marketing, bringing back an average of $42 for every $1 spent30. To succeed, you need to know the basics. This includes building an engaged list, picking the right service provider, setting clear goals, segmenting your audience, and following best practices for personalization, automation, design, and content.

Email marketing sends messages to a group of people via email. It’s a direct and cost-effective way to reach your audience, build relationships, and increase conversions31. With 95% of internet users aged 25 to 44 in the U.S. checking email daily31, it’s a channel you can’t ignore.

  1. Build an Engaged Email List: Use lead magnets and opt-in forms to grow your list with interested people31.
  2. Choose the Right Email Service Provider: Pick a platform that meets your business needs and budget, offering automation, segmentation, and analytics.
  3. Define Clear Goals: Set specific, measurable goals for your campaigns, like increasing website traffic, boosting sales, or improving customer loyalty.
  4. Segment Your Audience: Divide your list into targeted groups based on demographics, interests, or behaviors for personalized content30.
  5. Personalize and Automate: Use personalization and automation for a more engaging and efficient strategy30. Personalized emails can increase open rates by 29% over generic ones30.
  6. Optimize for Mobile: Make sure your emails look good on mobile devices, as many people check their emails on smartphones.
  7. Follow Best Practices: Create catchy subject lines, compelling copy, and attractive layouts to boost open and click-through rates30.
  8. Measure and Analyze: Track important metrics like click-through rate, conversion rate, bounce rate, and ROI to improve your strategy30.

By using these strategies, you can make the most of email marketing. It helps you reach your audience, build stronger relationships, and drive real business results31.

“A 1% increase in email marketing effectiveness can drive over $12 million in revenue for an enterprise with $1 billion in annual sales.”

Email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes, from small shops to global companies31. By keeping up with trends and best practices, you can make sure your email marketing has a big impact and brings in a good return on investment.

Compliance and Spam Regulations

As an email marketer, knowing the rules is key. Laws like the CAN-SPAM Act32 and GDPR32 protect people from unwanted emails. They make sure emails are clear, honest, and respect privacy.

The CAN-SPAM Act from 2003 in the U.S. deals with commercial emails and lets people stop getting emails they don’t want32. GDPR from 2018 in the EU requires clear consent for email marketing32. CASL from 2014 in Canada says you need consent before sending emails and to be clear in your messages32. The Australian Spam Act of 2003 also requires consent and sender details in emails32.

Following these rules is key to avoid big fines33 and to keep your audience’s trust. To follow the rules, make it easy to opt-out, get consent first, use sender checks, handle data right, and be honest in your subject lines32.

RegulationKey Requirements
  • Opt-out mechanism for recipients
  • Accurate header information
  • Truthful subject lines
  • Physical postal address in emails
  • Explicit consent for data processing
  • Transparent communication
  • Right to opt-out and data portability
CASL (Canada)
  • Explicit consent before sending emails
  • Clear sender identification
  • Unsubscribe mechanism
Australian Spam Act
  • Consent before sending emails
  • Accurate sender identification
  • Unsubscribe mechanism

Knowing and following these rules helps email marketers build trust. It helps avoid fines and send valuable content. This way, you respect your audience’s privacy and choices33.

“Compliance with email marketing regulations is not just a legal requirement, but a foundation for building long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with your audience.”

Email Marketing Examples and Case Studies

Looking at real email marketing examples and email marketing case studies can give us great ideas for our own campaigns. These examples cover everything from abandoned cart emails to promotional campaigns. They show us how to write catchy subject lines, make content engaging, and use designs that grab attention. They also show how to automate workflows to get more people involved and increase sales.

Promotional emails try to make people feel like they’re getting a special deal. They go out to both new and current customers34. Newsletters keep readers interested by sharing news and updates, which makes people spend more time on websites and stay loyal to brands34. Lead nurturing emails send personalized content to people who might buy something, helping them move through the buying process34.

Welcome emails greet new subscribers or first-time buyers, showing them what the brand offers34. Re-engagement emails try to get back people who haven’t been active in a while by offering special deals34. Email campaigns help brands talk directly to customers, track how people act, and send messages that are more likely to get a response34.

Companies like Netflix, Apple, and Airbnb use personalized content and clear calls to action to get people to take action34. These brands, along with many others, use email marketing to promote products and talk to their audience34.

Email marketing services can start at $1,250 a month, available in places like Memphis, TN, and San Antonio, TX34. Companies like Skillshare and Headspace send out emails to offer discounts and educational content, helping people move through the customer journey34.

Brands like Netflix, Apple, and Mode use email marketing to make things personal and visually appealing34. This approach is backed by data showing email marketing can bring in $40 for every $1 spent, making it a strong marketing choice35.

Email marketing is a direct way to reach people without needing big budgets or complex algorithms35. It offers 22 examples of different email campaigns, from nurturing leads to selling products35.

Personalizing emails can make them more effective35. Using good images in emails can make them stand out35. It’s also important to make emails work well on mobile devices since many people check emails on phones and tablets35.

Good CTAs can get people to engage more and take action35. When looking for email marketing tools, important features include being able to segment audiences, customize templates, automate workflows, and track results35.

Email marketing can bring in $44.25 for every dollar spent, showing it’s a good investment36. Over 500 experts at WebFX are ready to help with email marketing campaigns, showing their support for this strategy36.

The text shares 11 top email marketing examples for 2024, offering a variety of successful strategies36. These examples include welcome emails, nurturing emails, personalized emails, and more, from companies like Grana and HelloFresh36.

Looking at these email marketing examples and email marketing case studies can give us great ideas for our own campaigns. They can help us make our email marketing successful in the future.


Email marketing is a key tool for businesses of all sizes. It offers a strong return on investment, with a $51.52 return for every dollar spent37. It’s also very cost-effective, bringing back an average of $42 for every dollar spent38. This makes it a great way to grow your customer base and drive sales.

With the right tools and strategies, email marketing can be a top performer in your digital marketing mix. Platforms like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and Campaign Monitor offer detailed analytics and automation38. Adding personal touches, relevant content, and interactive elements can make your emails more engaging and successful38. Plus, starting email marketing can cost as little as $9 to $100037, making it affordable for any business size.

Using email marketing can help you grow your customer base and increase sales. It lets you connect with customers at every step and keep them coming back37. With ongoing improvements and A/B testing38, you can make your email campaigns better and keep getting a strong return on investment37.


What is email marketing?

Email marketing lets businesses share news about new products, sales, and updates with customers. It’s a way to build strong customer relationships and boost sales.

How does email marketing work?

It sends targeted messages to people who have agreed to receive them. Companies use email services to manage their lists, create campaigns, and track how well they do.

What are the benefits of email marketing?

It gives a strong return on investment, lets you personalize messages, and is cheaper than other ways to market. It helps with sales, brand awareness, and keeping customers loyal.

What are the different types of email marketing campaigns?

There are promotional emails, newsletters, emails to keep customers interested, and messages about orders.

How do I build an email list?

Build your list with free offers or content people can download. Make sure they agree to join your list.

What should I look for in an email marketing service provider?

Look at your budget, team size, and what features you need like managing lists, segmenting, and reporting.

How do I create an effective email marketing strategy?

Know who you’re sending emails to, set clear goals, and make campaigns that add value. Use segmentation and personalization to make your strategy work.

Why is email list segmentation important?

Segmenting your list helps send messages that are more relevant and personal. This can greatly improve how engaged people are and how many convert.

How do I personalize and automate my email marketing?

Make emails more personal by customizing content and calls-to-action for each person. Use automation for emails based on what people do, like reminders for left items in cart.

How do I ensure my emails are mobile-friendly?

Make emails work well on mobile by using designs that adjust to different screens, keeping images small, and checking how they look on various devices before sending.

What are the best practices for email marketing content and design?

Good practices include catchy subject lines, clear and easy-to-read emails, and using visuals and layout to draw the reader’s eye.

How do I measure the success of my email marketing campaigns?

Keep an eye on important numbers like open rates, clicks, conversions, bounces, and unsubscribes to see how well your campaigns are doing.

What compliance and anti-spam regulations do I need to follow?

Follow rules like GDPR and CAN-SPAM for how you handle customer emails and what your emails can say and look like.

Where can I find examples and case studies of effective email marketing campaigns?

Look at real examples like cart reminders, sales campaigns, loyalty emails, and order confirmations for ideas and lessons for your own marketing.

Source Links

  1. What is Email Marketing and How Does it Work? Tools & Strategies – https://www.brevo.com/blog/what-is-email-marketing/
  2. How To Do Email Marketing In 2024 – https://moosend.com/blog/email-marketing/
  3. Mastering Email Marketing in 2024: Your Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide – https://www.simplilearn.com/tutorials/digital-marketing-tutorial/what-is-email-marketing
  4. Email Marketing: The Ultimate Guide (Expert Tips + Data to Know) – https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/email-marketing-guide
  5. What is Email Marketing? [An Expert Guide for Beginners] – https://www.ama.org/marketing-news/what-is-email-marketing/
  6. 5 Benefits of Email Marketing in 2024 – https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/software/benefits-email-marketing/
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  8. Here’s Why Email Marketing Is Still Important – https://www.fool.com/the-ascent/small-business/email-marketing/why-email-marketing-is-important/
  9. Types of Email Marketing Explained [2024] – https://mailtrap.io/blog/types-of-email-marketing/
  10. 37 Email Marketing Best Practices and Tips for 2024 | SendGrid – https://sendgrid.com/en-us/resource/email-marketing-best-practices-tips
  11. How to Build an Email List Quickly: 18 Winning Strategies in 2024 – https://www.optimonk.com/how-to-build-an-email-list-from-scratch/
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  32. Your Guide to Email Compliance Regulations – Updated 2024 – https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/your-guide-email-compliance-regulations-updated-2024-unfilteredai-wuwxe
  33. CAN-SPAM Act: A Compliance Guide for Business – https://www.ftc.gov/business-guidance/resources/can-spam-act-compliance-guide-business
  34. 7 Amazing Email Marketing Examples In 2024 – https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/software/email-marketing-examples/
  35. 22 Best Email Marketing Examples of 2024 (Don’t Miss These!) – https://www.mayple.com/blog/email-marketing-examples
  36. 11 Best Email Marketing Examples for Inspiration in 2024 – https://www.webfx.com/email-marketing/learn/examples/
  37. Email Marketing For Small Business: A Beginner’s Guide (2024) – https://www.mailmodo.com/guides/email-marketing-small-business/
  38. 21+ Email Marketing Best Practices 2024 – https://analytify.io/email-marketing-best-practices/
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