How To Advertise on Facebook in 2024

How To Advertise on Facebook in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

Facebook has over1 2.93 billion users every month. It’s a giant in social media advertising. As a business owner or marketer, you can’t ignore its huge potential. Facebook ads can increase your site traffic, help with lead generation, and boost your Facebook page’s organic reach12.

About 66% of small businesses in the U.S. use Facebook for ads, and2 67% of users visit the site every day. Facebook ads are also one of the cheapest ways to reach people, making them great for businesses2.

This guide is for both experienced and new Facebook advertisers. It will show you how to use Facebook ads well in 2024 and beyond.

Key Takeaways

  • Facebook has over 2.93 billion monthly active users, providing a massive audience for advertisers.
  • Facebook ads can be highly targeted based on demographics, interests, and online behavior.
  • Facebook offers a wide range of ad formats, including image, video, and carousel ads.
  • Facebook advertising can be a cost-effective way to reach potential customers, especially for small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Leveraging Facebook’s advanced targeting capabilities can help you reach your ideal audience and maximize your advertising ROI.

Why Advertise on Facebook in 2024?

Facebook has over 3 billion users every month as of 20233. This makes it a great place for businesses to reach lots of people. In the U.S., 66% of small businesses use Facebook for ads3. Plus, 67% of users visit Facebook every day3, showing it’s a key spot for businesses big and small.

Reach a Massive Audience

Facebook’s huge user base means businesses can easily connect with their target audience. The platform’s targeting tools help businesses hit their ideal customers right on the mark. This makes their ads more effective.

Cost-Effective Advertising

Facebook ads are also budget-friendly, with an average cost-per-click of $1.683 and a cost-per-1,000-impressions of $5.61 in 20233. This is cheaper than some other platforms like TikTok and Snapchat. TikTok costs about $10 per 1,000 impressions and $1 per click3. Snapchat is even more affordable, with a cost of $3.03 per 1,000 impressions3.

Advanced Targeting Capabilities

Facebook lets businesses target their ads with precision. They can focus on demographics, interests, and behaviors4. This means businesses can spend their ad budget wisely and get better results.

Facebook stands out in 2024 for its huge audience, affordable ads, and precise targeting. These features make it a top choice for businesses looking to grow34.

Facebook Advertising Basics

Facebook ads are a key tool for businesses to reach a huge audience on the biggest social media site5. With over 3 billion users every month, Facebook is the top social network5. Using Facebook marketing can boost conversion rates by about 9.21%, and5 over 62% of U.S. social buyers use Facebook often.

What are Facebook Ads?

Facebook ads are a form of pay-per-click (PPC) ads that let businesses target users by their location, age, interests, and actions6. The average cost to show an ad to 1000 people (CPM) is $5.61, with tech and consulting sectors paying more than food and manufacturing6. The average cost per click (CPC) was $1.72 in 2023, with different sectors having varying costs6.

How Facebook Ads Work

Businesses set up Facebook ad campaigns in Meta Ads Manager, choosing from ad types like images, videos, and carousels5. Facebook supports ads in four formats: images, video, carousel, and collections5. Advertisers set their targeting, budget, and bid, and Facebook shows the ads to the right users5. Facebook’s analytics help segment the market by geographic, demographic, and behavioral factors.

Facebook keeps improving its ad targeting, using data from Instagram and other Meta products to find specific users6. TikTok costs more with a CPM of $10, making it competitive for ads6. Instagram ads are also pricey, with an average CPM of $8.506. Facebook is still the biggest social media site, with around 3 million daily users in 20246.

Facebook charges advertisers for every 1000 views their ads get6. The average cost per action (CPA) across all industries is $18.686. Education has a lower CPA at $7.85, while tech has a higher cost at $55.216. Facebook’s Ads Manager offers detailed analytics to help improve ad strategies5.

7 41% of US retailers see the highest return on Facebook Ads7. The average conversion rate is 8.25%7. 90% of marketing agencies find Facebook newsfeed ads most effective7. 85% of small businesses agree, and Instagram Feed and Stories ads also work well7.

To advertise on Facebook, businesses need a Meta Business Account and ad account5. Creating a Facebook Business Page involves adding info and designing its look5. To make a Facebook Ad Account, link your Page to Meta Business Suite and create a new ad account5.

“Facebook ads offer diverse ad formats, from video ads to shoppable posts, catering to various marketing goals and audience preferences.”

Setting Up Your Facebook Ads Account

To advertise on Facebook, start by setting up your facebook ads manager, fb ads manager, or meta ads manager account. You’ll need to create a Meta Business Suite account. This is where you manage your facebook business ads and other social media marketing.

Create a Meta Business Suite Account

First, create a Meta Business Suite account. This tool helps you manage your business on Facebook, Instagram, and the Audience Network8. You can schedule posts, check insights, reply to messages, and more. It makes your facebook marketing easier.

Connect Your Facebook Business Page

After setting up your Meta Business Suite account, connect your facebook business page to it. You can’t run ads without a business page9. This connection gives you access to ad features, analytics, and team collaboration on social media advertising campaigns.

By setting up your facebook ads manager and connecting your business page, you’re ready to use Facebook advertising. This helps you reach your target audience and meet your marketing goals89.

Types of Facebook Ads in 2024

Facebook is a top social media site with many ad formats for businesses. You can show off products, tell stories, or grab your audience’s attention. Facebook’s ads help you meet your marketing goals10.

Image Ads

Image ads are the main type of ad on Facebook. They have a single eye-catching image, ad copy, and a call-to-action. These ads work well for showing products, promoting deals, or boosting brand awareness. They’re simple yet versatile, making them a favorite for many10.

Video Ads

Facebook’s video ads let businesses share stories, show products, or highlight customer testimonials. Videos help advertisers create engaging experiences that grab their audience’s attention10. People spend almost half their app time watching videos on Facebook11. This makes video ads a key way to connect with customers.

Stories Ads

Stories ads use the popular Stories format on social media. They blend into users’ Facebook and Instagram Stories. These ads are full-screen and vertical, fitting right into the Stories flow. They help businesses share real, engaging content with their audience11.

Facebook keeps adding new ad types to help businesses. You can use carousel ads, collection ads, augmented reality ads, and Messenger ads. Facebook gives advertisers many tools to reach and engage with their audience1011.

“With over 2 billion active users worldwide, Facebook is a key place for businesses to advertise. Its targeting and ad variety help advertisers make campaigns that speak to their audience and get results.”

How To Advertise on Facebook in 2024

Facebook is still a top choice for ads in 2024, offering a huge audience and precise targeting. To advertise well on Facebook this year, follow these steps:

  1. Set up a Meta Business Suite account to manage your Facebook ads12.
  2. Link your Facebook business page to your Meta Business Suite account for a unified brand presence12.
  3. Decide what you want to achieve with your ads, like increasing brand awareness or driving sales13.
  4. Use Facebook’s targeting to find your perfect audience by their interests, behaviors, and more1312.
  5. Plan your ad budget and schedule, thinking about your audience and where you want your ads to show12.
  6. Create ads that grab attention with great visuals and compelling text13.
  7. Use a social media scheduler to make managing your Facebook ads easier and keep them running smoothly12.
  8. Keep an eye on how your ads are doing with Facebook’s analytics, and use the data to make them better13.

By taking these steps and using the latest Facebook ad tools, you can reach and connect with your audience well. This will help your business succeed in 20241312.

Facebook Advertising

For successful Facebook ads in 2024, be strategic and data-driven. Know your audience and the latest Facebook features and best practices1312.

Facebook Advertising Metrics2024 Statistics
Monthly Active Users2.8 billion13
Daily Active Users1.9 billion12
Estimated Target Audience2.249 billion12
Facebook Ad Spend Forecast$187.35 billion by 202512

Keep up with the latest in Facebook ads to make your campaigns more effective. This will help you meet your business goals in 20241312.

“Facebook advertising lets businesses reach a huge, targeted audience. This helps them get results and meet their marketing goals.”

Defining Your Facebook Advertising Goals

Before starting your facebook advertising journey, it’s key to set clear marketing goals. Facebook ads can help you reach many goals, like boosting brand awareness, increasing website traffic, or even driving sales14.

Facebook has many campaign objectives to pick from, like making people aware of your brand, getting more traffic, or generating leads15. Picking the right objectives for your business is crucial for your facebook marketing success14.

  • Increase brand awareness and reach new audiences
  • Drive targeted traffic to your website or landing pages
  • Generate qualified leads for your sales team
  • Boost online and in-store sales through effective conversion campaigns

Setting clear facebook advertising goals helps you make better ads, use your budget well, and track your success better14. This step is vital for a strong social media advertising plan on Facebook15.

“The key to successful Facebook advertising is aligning your campaign objectives with your overall business goals.”

Facebook Ad Campaign ObjectiveKey Metrics to Track
Brand AwarenessReach, Impressions, Video Views
TrafficLink Clicks, Website Visits
EngagementReactions, Comments, Shares
Lead GenerationForm Fills, Lead Quality
ConversionsPurchases, Registrations, Add-to-Carts

Aligning your facebook advertising goals with your business aims helps you run more focused and successful campaigns14. Use the campaign objectives and keep tweaking your strategy to make sure your facebook marketing is hitting the marks for your business1514.

Targeting Your Ideal Audience

Facebook’s advanced targeting is a big plus for advertisers16. You can target people by their age, interests, and what they do. This means you can reach anyone, no matter how big or small16.


When targeting on Facebook, age, gender, and where they live matter a lot16. Using this info, you make sure your ads go to the right people.

Interests and Behaviors

Facebook also lets you target by interests and actions16. What pages they like and what they do is key. Plus, things like what they buy, how they use devices, and where they travel can help you target better16.

Custom and Lookalike Audiences

Facebook lets you make custom audiences from lists or website data17. This way, you can target people who already know your brand. The lookalike feature finds new people like your best customers1617.

With these tools, your Facebook ads go straight to the right people1617. This means your ads work better and get you better results.

Targeting OptionDescription
DemographicsTarget users based on age, gender, location, and other demographic factors.
InterestsReach users based on their interests, hobbies, and pages they’ve liked.
BehaviorsTarget users based on their purchasing behavior, device usage, and travel preferences.
Custom AudiencesCreate audiences from your own data, such as website visitors, email lists, and app users.
Lookalike AudiencesReach new users who are similar to your existing high-value customers.

Using these options, your Facebook ads hit the mark every time1617. This means your ads do a lot better and get you the results you want.

Setting Your Facebook Ads Budget

When it comes to facebook advertising, setting your budget is not a one-size-fits-all task. The cost of facebook ads changes a lot. This depends on your audience, ad placement, how long you run your campaign, your industry, the time of year, and where you are1819.

Facebook lets advertisers set their own daily or lifetime budgets. This way, you can control how much you spend and make sure your facebook advertising budget is used well19. Keep an eye on your ad performance and adjust as needed. This helps you get the most out of your facebook ads budget.

In 2023, facebook was seen as the top ad platform for ROI by marketers18. The average spend in November 2023 was $1,592.31 across all industries18. The average cost per click was $0.5418. And the average number of purchases was 47 during that time18.

Most marketers, 92%, said facebook ads help generate sales18. 54% found them very effective at making an impact18. Only 8% thought facebook ads didn’t work well for sales18.

When deciding on your facebook ads budget, think about your marketing goals, who you want to reach, and how competitive your industry is19. Plan and watch your ad spending closely. This way, your facebook advertising will give you a good return on investment.

Choosing Ad Placements

When you’re into facebook advertising, picking where to put your ads is crucial. Facebook has many ad types to help you reach your goals. These ads work on different places like Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network, and Messenger20.

You can go for automatic placements or manual placements. Automatic placements let Facebook pick the best spots for your ads, saving you time. On the other hand, manual placements let you choose where your facebook ads appear, like the News Feed or Stories20.

You can pick from many ad spots, like News Feed or Instagram Stories20. The facebook audience network helps your ads reach people on other apps and websites. And facebook messenger lets you show ads in the Inbox and Stories for direct talks with customers20.

Choosing between automatic and manual placements depends on your experience and campaign goals. Each method has its benefits. Using the right spots can make your campaign better, increase engagement, and save money2021.

Placement TypeKey Characteristics
Automatic Placements– Facebook’s algorithm determines the best ad locations to deliver desired results
– Saves time and effort
Manual Placements– Allows you to choose specific placements like News Feed, Stories, and Messenger
– Provides more control over ad placement

With facebook ads, you can customize your ad spots for your marketing goals and audience. Knowing the pros and cons of each option helps you make smart choices. This way, you can boost your facebook marketing success21.

“Utilizing the right placements can optimize campaign performance, enhance engagement rates, and control advertising costs.”

Creating Engaging Ad Creative

To win with facebook advertising in 2024, making your ad creative stand out is crucial. This means focusing on writing captivating ad copy and designing visually striking ad visuals. By doing this, you grab your audience’s attention and boost your facebook marketing campaigns.

Writing Compelling Ad Copy

Your ad copy is the heart of your social media advertising plan. Write headlines that grab attention and speak to your audience. Use strong words, emotional language, and a clear call-to-action to get people involved. Make sure your facebook ad copy fits your brand’s voice and follows the platform’s rules.

Designing Visuals for Facebook Ads

The look of your facebook ads is crucial. Make facebook ad visuals that pop, look great, and match your brand. Try out different facebook ad creative, like eye-catching facebook image ads or engaging facebook video ads, to see what works best with your audience.

Your facebook ad creative should be not just beautiful but also follow Facebook’s rules. Keep up with the latest guidelines to make sure your ads reach their full potential.

“The key to successful facebook advertising in 2024 lies in creating ad creative that captivates, engages, and inspires action from your target audience.”

Analyzing and Optimizing Facebook Ads

Analyzing and optimizing your Facebook ads is key to successful facebook advertising and facebook marketing. Facebook gives businesses detailed analytics. These let you track important facebook ads metrics like reach, engagement, and conversions22.

By keeping an eye on these facebook ads analytics, you can make smart changes to your ads. Adjust things like ad creative, targeting, budgets, and where your ads show up. This can greatly boost your facebook advertising performance over time22.

Facebook Ads Metrics to Track

To make your facebook ads better, focus on the right metrics. Important facebook ads metrics to watch include:

  • Reach – The number of people who saw your ad22.
  • Engagement – Likes, comments, shares, and other actions taken on your ad22.
  • Click-through rate (CTR) – The percentage of people who clicked on your ad22.
  • Conversions – The number of people who took a desired action, like buying something or signing up for a newsletter22.
  • Cost Per Action (CPA) – The average cost for each conversion or desired action22.

Facebook’s Ads Manager has tools for reporting on these metrics. This makes it easier to check and improve your facebook ads campaigns22. You can also use a Facebook Ads report template to get deeper insights22.

If your facebook ads have low conversion rates or high Cost Per Action (CPA), they might need work22. If your ads are performing worse over time, it’s a sign they might be getting old or tired22.

By always checking your facebook ads metrics and making changes based on the data, you can keep improving your facebook advertising campaigns22. Using a good PPC dashboard can help you tweak targeting, bidding, and creative to get better results22.

The secret to great facebook ads optimization is to keep testing, analyzing, and refining your plans with the data22. By using facebook ads analytics, you can make smart choices to boost your campaigns and help your business do better22.

Facebook Advertising Best Practices

To make your facebook advertising successful in 2024, follow key best practices. These strategies will help you boost your facebook marketing campaigns. They will help you reach your goals23.

Start by focusing on narrow audience targeting. This means targeting a specific group of people. It can lead to better conversion rates on your facebook ads23. Also, testing different audiences can show you how they react differently. This lets you fine-tune your targeting for better results23.

When creating ads, pay attention to how long they are and what they say. Try out different lengths to see what works best. Add social proof and clear call-to-actions to build trust and get people to engage23.

Use visual assets that are original and high-quality. They should match your brand and the feelings you want to evoke in your audience23. Using consistent branding in your visuals helps people recognize your brand23.

Keep testing your ad variations to find what works best. This helps you improve your campaigns for better results23. Set goals based on your past ad success to aim for realistic improvements23.

Think about your overall marketing strategy. Mix organic content with your paid advertising efforts24. This approach can make your marketing stronger and boost the impact of your facebook advertising24.

By using these facebook advertising best practices, you can make your social media advertising more effective. This will help your business see real results in 20242324.


This guide has shown you how to advertise on Facebook in 2024. You learned the perks of Facebook advertising and how to use its ad formats and features. You also learned how to set up, target, create, and optimize your campaigns for success25.

It’s important to be flexible and try out different strategies. Keep improving your approach based on what works best. With the right approach, Facebook ads can greatly benefit your business in the next year26.

As Facebook advertising changes, you need to keep up with trends and adjust your campaigns. Use strategies to control ad costs, boost website conversions, and increase average order value. This way, you can make sure your social media advertising is profitable and worth it27.


What are the key benefits of advertising on Facebook in 2024?

Facebook ads in 2024 offer big benefits. You can reach 2.93 billion active users. They are also cost-effective with low cost-per-click rates. Plus, you can target your ideal customers with advanced tools.

How do Facebook ads work?

Facebook ads work through pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Businesses bid on keywords to show their ads in feeds. They pay for every thousand times their ads are seen.

What are the steps to set up a Facebook advertising account?

Setting up a Facebook ad account is easy. First, create a Meta Business Suite account. Then, connect your Facebook business page to manage your ads.

What are the different types of Facebook ads available in 2024?

In 2024, Facebook offers image ads, video ads, and stories ads. Each type has unique features and benefits for businesses.

How do I define my advertising objectives on Facebook?

Defining your ad goals is key. You can aim for brand awareness, website traffic, or leads. This step helps shape your campaign and track success.

How can I target my ideal audience on Facebook?

Facebook lets you target your audience with precision. Use demographics, interests, behaviors, and custom audiences to reach the right people.

How do I set an effective Facebook ads budget?

Setting a Facebook ad budget depends on your goals and audience. You can choose daily or lifetime budgets to manage your spending and optimize your campaigns.

What are the best practices for creating engaging Facebook ad creative?

Make your ads stand out with compelling copy and eye-catching visuals. This grabs your audience’s attention on Facebook.

How do I analyze and optimize my Facebook ad campaigns?

Keep an eye on metrics like reach and engagement. Adjust your ads, targeting, and budgets based on data to boost your campaign’s performance.

Source Links

  1. How To Advertise on Facebook in 2024 [8-Step Guide] –
  2. How to advertise on Facebook in 2024? –
  3. Are Facebook Ads Still Worth It in 2024? –
  4. What Facebook Ads Cost in 2024: Everything You Need To Know – Shopify –
  5. Facebook marketing: The complete guide for your brand’s strategy –
  6. Facebook Advertising 101: The Complete Beginner Guide –
  7. Facebook Ads: The Complete Guide to Getting Started with Facebook Ads –
  8. How to Advertise on Facebook — A Complete Guide for 2024 –
  9. What Is Facebook Advertising and How Does It Work? (2024) – Shopify –
  10. Facebook Advertising in 2024: Ads Types + Tools for Success –
  11. All Types of Facebook Ads –  A Comprehensive Guide [2024] –
  12. How to Run Facebook Ads: Step-by-Step Guide to Advertising on Facebook –
  13. Facebook Advertising in 2024: The Complete Guide – 2Stallions –
  14. How to Advertise on Facebook in 2024 | Social Champ –
  15. How to Create a Facebook Ads Strategy that Converts in 2024| Blog –
  16. Facebook Ad Targeting Tips and Strategies in 2024 –
  17. How to Target & Reach Your Ideal Audience with Facebook Ads –
  18. How to Manage Your Facebook Ads Budget in 2024 –
  19. What is Facebook Ads Cost and How to Spend Less in 2024 –
  20. Facebook Ad Placements 101: How to choose the right placement? –
  21. Facebook Ad Placements: How To Choose The Best One –
  22. How to Optimize Facebook Ads in 2024: Tips and Hacks | Blog –
  23. Facebook Ads Best Practices for 2024 | LocaliQ –
  24. Facebook Marketing in 2024: A VERY Complete Guide –
  25. How to Utilize Facebook Ads in 2024 for Your Home Service Business –
  26. Your 2024 Facebook Ad Optimization Checklist –
  27. Are Facebook Ads Profitable in 2024? –
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