The Ultimate Guide To Building A B2C Marketing Strategy

If you want to boost your B2C marketing, you’ve come to the right spot. B2C marketing is about selling directly to consumers. It’s key for businesses to focus on this area. The numbers show that inbound marketing brings in 54% more leads than traditional methods1. Also, 94% of B2C marketers use or plan to use content marketing to grow their brand1.

So, what is B2C marketing? It’s about knowing your customers well and connecting with them. You also need to promote your products in a way that drives sales and keeps customers coming back. This guide will cover the main parts of a strong B2C marketing strategy. We’ll look at making engaging content and using influencer marketing to your advantage. Let’s get started and see how you can make your B2C marketing strategy work wonders for your business.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • B2C marketing involves selling products, goods, and services directly to consumers.
  • Inbound marketing generates 54% more leads compared to traditional marketing tactics1.
  • 94% of B2C marketers either have or are planning a content marketing strategy to enhance revenue and awareness1.

What Is B2C Marketing?

B2C marketing, also known as business-to-consumer marketing, sells products and services directly to people. It’s different from B2B marketing, which targets businesses. B2C marketing aims to connect directly with the end-users.

In today’s digital world, B2C marketing is more important because of e-commerce and online shopping2. Shows that 51% of Americans shop online, and 96% have bought something online at some point. This shows how crucial B2C marketing is for reaching and engaging with consumers online.

The Funnel: Awareness, Consideration, Conversion

B2C marketing uses a marketing funnel at its core. The top is awareness, where marketers try to get consumers to notice their products. The middle is consideration, where people look at different options. The bottom is conversion, where people buy and become customers.

Email marketing is key in engaging with consumers along the marketing funnel2. Says personalized email campaigns boost engagement by 74%. Successful B2C marketing builds emotional connections by sending content that meets consumers’ needs and wants.

B2C marketing also gives businesses insights into what consumers like. This helps tailor products to what people want. Creative marketing strategies are vital for standing out and building brand awareness3. Personalized marketing can also make customers more loyal and help build long-term relationships3.

Storytelling is a strong tool in B2C marketing. It creates an emotional bond with customers, leading to impulse buys. Emotional triggers work faster than logical thinking4. Using emotional triggers and the right colors in stores can affect customers’ feelings and what they buy4.

Creating good customer experiences and making them buy is key. Giving personalized info in real-time can make people more likely to buy on impulse4.

In summary, B2C marketing is crucial for businesses today. It lets companies directly reach individual consumers, increase sales, make customers more loyal, and build strong brands. By understanding what consumers want, building emotional connections, and using advanced marketing, businesses can succeed in the B2C market.

How Does B2C Marketing Work?

B2C marketing is a strategy that targets individual consumers directly5. It aims to boost sales and make more people know about your brand5. It’s different from B2B marketing because it focuses on personal consumers, not businesses5.

To grasp B2C marketing, think about the marketing funnel. It shows how customers move from being unaware to buying something5. The funnel has three parts: awareness, consideration, and making a purchase5.

At the start, marketers try to grab people’s attention with interesting content5. They find out who their customers are and what they want5. This helps them make messages that speak directly to their audience.

Next, marketers keep building interest by sharing more details about what they offer5. This is key for building trust and helping people decide to buy5. Good ways to do this include using content, emails, and social media5.

When people are close to buying, marketers aim to make them actually buy5. They might offer special deals or personalized advice to help them decide5.

Good B2C marketing is key for companies to grow and succeed5. It increases brand awareness, leads, and sales, and keeps customers coming back5. By learning what consumers want and reaching more people, marketers can keep improving their plans5.

To connect with consumers, B2C marketers use many ways to reach out5. Social media is a big help because it lets companies talk directly to their audience5. Sites like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok are great for building personal connections.

Email marketing is also a strong tool for B2C5. It has a great return on investment, making it better than many other digital ways to advertise6. By sending regular, relevant emails, brands can keep in touch with customers over time7.

Websites are crucial for B2C businesses to attract and keep customers5. A good website makes it easy for people to learn about products, buy things, and interact with the brand5.

Blogs are another smart move in B2C marketing5. Sharing articles and videos online helps brands become leaders in their field and engage with their audience5. Blogs can draw in visitors and grab their attention with useful info and stories.

Podcasts are becoming more popular for B2C companies to talk to their audience through audio5. Hosting or sponsoring podcasts lets brands have a closer relationship with their customers.

Video content is also great for reaching B2C consumers and sharing brand messages5. With YouTube and TikTok, companies can tell stories visually and show off their products or services5.

In summary, B2C marketing uses many strategies to connect with people on an emotional level and increase sales5. Knowing what consumers want and how to position your products is key5. Choosing the right channels to reach your audience can make your B2C marketing very successful56.

How to Build a B2C Marketing Strategy

To make a B2C marketing strategy work, you need to think about many things and use different tactics. These steps will help you build a strong B2C marketing strategy. They will help you reach your business goals.

Create Meaningful Content

Start by making content that matters to your audience. Use data8 to understand what they want. Make sure your content solves their problems and shows you’re an expert in your field.

Utilize AI Marketing Tools

Use AI tools to learn about your customers. These tools give you info on what they like and buy. This helps you make your marketing better and more focused.

Connect on a Personal Level

Connecting with your customers is key in B2C marketing. Use data8 to make your marketing personal. Tailor your messages to different customers to make them feel special.

Leverage Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is still a great way to reach people. By working with influencers, you can reach more people. Data89 shows it works better than old-school ads.

Go Mobile-First

More people use smartphones, so make sure your marketing is mobile-friendly. Make your website easy to use on phones. Use mobile ads and apps to reach your audience where they are.

Create Retargeting Programs

Retargeting helps you reach people who have shown interest in your brand. Use tracking pixels and cookies to show ads to these people. This keeps you in their mind and can lead to more sales.

Invest in SEO

SEO is key for getting people to find your website. Use data8 to make your site better for search engines. Focus on the right keywords and quality content to get more visitors.

Utilize Social Media

Social media is a great way to connect with your audience. Use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter to promote your brand. Data810 shows it’s effective for reaching your target audience.

Make Use of Emarsys

Emarsys can change your marketing game. It uses AI to improve customer experiences and automate marketing. Data10 shows it helps you get better results by using smart insights and analytics.

In conclusion, building a B2C marketing strategy takes planning and understanding of what customers want. Use meaningful content, AI tools, personal connections, influencers, mobile marketing, retargeting, SEO, social media, and Emarsys. This will help you create a strong B2C marketing strategy that gets results.

6 Tips For a Successful B2C Marketing Strategy

Creating a winning B2C marketing plan means having a solid strategy and putting it into action. Here are six key tips to help you improve your approach and get better results:

1. Connect with customers on a personal level

Personalization is key to B2C marketing success. By knowing what your customers need and like, you can make your marketing speak to them directly11. This builds trust and loyalty, leading to more repeat business and positive word-of-mouth.

2. Leverage the power of influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is a strong tool for B2C marketing. Working with influencers lets you use their trust and reach in your market. This can boost brand awareness, drive website traffic, and increase sales12.

3. Embrace a mobile-first approach

Mobile devices are crucial in today’s online shopping. To reach your audience, make sure your website and marketing work well on mobile. Use mobile-friendly designs and tactics like app promotions and SMS marketing13.

4. Implement retargeting programs

Retargeting helps bring back customers who showed interest in your products. By tracking website visits, you can show ads to those who looked at your site before. This reminds them about your products and nudges them closer to buying13.

5. Invest in SEO for increased visibility

SEO is crucial for getting your website seen more in search results. By making your site better for search engines, you can attract more visitors. Being more visible online can boost your brand and lead to more sales12.

6. Harness the power of social media

Social media is great for connecting with your audience, building brand awareness, and talking directly with customers. Use platforms like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to share interesting content, advertise, and interact with your followers13.

Adding these six tips to your B2C marketing strategy can boost your performance, engage customers more, and increase sales. Always keep an eye on your data and customer feedback to stay ahead in the fast-changing B2C market.

1. Connect with customers on a personal levelBuilds trust and loyalty, increases repeat business
2. Leverage the power of influencer marketingBoosts brand awareness, drives website traffic, increases sales
3. Embrace a mobile-first approachReaches target audience effectively, improves mobile user experience
4. Implement retargeting programsRe-engage potential customers, encourages further action
5. Invest in SEO for increased visibilityImproves search engine rankings, attracts more organic traffic
6. Harness the power of social mediaConnects with target audience, builds brand awareness

Use Emarsys For Your B2C Marketing Campaigns

Emarsys is the go-to platform for successful B2C marketing campaigns. It has the tools to boost conversions, loyalty, and campaign performance. Let’s see how Emarsys can boost your B2C marketing strategy.

Emarsys customers use more channels than any other B2C marketing automation platform14. This means they can reach customers through many touchpoints. It helps in maximizing reach and engagement.

The Emarsys platform leads in personalization, cross-channel campaigns, and marketing automation14. It lets businesses create campaigns that really speak to their audience.

A case study showed a 25% revenue jump in 5 weeks with Emarsys. This was done by using offline data for online sales and automated campaigns14. This proves Emarsys’ power in boosting business results.

Customer stories highlight Emarsys’ success. One company engaged 1.5 million customers directly and kept a 70% retention rate14. These numbers show how Emarsys builds strong customer ties and loyalty.

Emarsys helps businesses gather and use data from many sources. This lets them personalize every interaction14. Personalized interactions create strong customer bonds and improve the customer experience.

With AI, Emarsys enriches customer data and segments. This lets businesses make campaigns that really speak to each customer’s needs14. Every message becomes more relevant.

Emarsys supports simple and complex campaigns at scale14. This flexibility lets marketers use the best strategies for their audience.

Customers can segment contacts by lifecycle in Emarsys. This helps businesses use the right tactics and track customer journeys14.

Emarsys goes beyond basic analytics with AI-powered insights14. This predicts campaign success and optimizes engagement without needing a big data team.

Strategies can be easily set up in Emarsys with customizable journeys14. This lets businesses quickly start effective campaigns and see real results.

Emarsys connects data across channels for personalized campaigns. Over 1500 companies worldwide use Emarsys to grow their businesses14.

With $55 million in funding and over 1,500 customers, including big names like eBay and Canon, Emarsys is a trusted B2C marketing solution15. It invests in research and development, setting it apart from other marketing platforms15.

Emarsys has a global team of over 700 employees in 53 countries, speaking 37 languages15. This ensures a localized approach for mid-market to enterprise B2C brands in retail and travel.

Marketers choose Emarsys to increase revenue through personalized interactions. These interactions build trust, loyalty, and repeat business15. Emarsys’ features help businesses create strong customer relationships and sustainable growth.

Emarsys Key FeaturesBenefits
Personalized email campaignsEnhanced customer engagement and conversion rates
Dynamic content blocksCustomization and tailoring of messaging to individual customers
Automated flows based on customer behaviorEfficiency and timeliness in delivering targeted communications
Product recommendationsIncreased cross-selling and upselling opportunities

Emarsys offers a full solution for businesses aiming to excel in B2C marketing. By using Emarsys, businesses can make personalized and impactful interactions. These interactions drive conversions, loyalty, and business growth.

Final Thoughts

As we wrap up this guide on building a B2C marketing strategy, let’s talk about its importance. B2C marketing aims to reach customers directly to boost sales and meet their needs16. This approach is key to driving sales and understanding what customers want.

B2C marketing has many steps, like introducing the brand and making customers buy. It uses social media and SEO to connect with people and attract them to websites. Email marketing is also big for talking directly to customers. Content marketing is key for engaging and building relationships with customers through different types of content.

Other tactics include working with influencers, loyalty programs, and using SMS marketing. Paid ads and special deals also play a big part. These methods help businesses get to know their customers better and add value to their brand16.

B2C eCommerce is booming in today’s digital world, as shown by stats from link17. Companies are finding new ways to connect with customers and sell products or services directly. B2C eCommerce offers a global market, convenience, and personalized shopping experiences to meet what consumers want17.

To make a strong B2C marketing strategy, know your audience, create engaging content, use various tactics, and keep up with trends. Emarsys is a great tool to help you with these goals and improve your B2C marketing.

In conclusion, B2C marketing is vital for businesses that sell directly to consumers. By using the strategies and insights from this guide, you can create a strong B2C marketing plan. This plan will boost brand awareness, engagement, leads, sales, and customer loyalty. Always check your results and adjust your campaigns to make your B2C marketing better.

What is B2C Marketing?

B2C marketing is about selling products or services directly to people. It’s different from B2B marketing, which focuses on selling to businesses. In B2C, we learn about what people want and need18.

Big names like Apple, Tesco, Starbucks, Amazon, YouTube, and Lyft have thrived in B2C marketing. They use many strategies to draw in customers and grow their businesses18.

There are five main types of B2C businesses:

B2C Business ModelsExamples
FreemiumLinkedIn, Dropbox, Spotify
SubscriptionNetflix, Adobe, Birchbox
Advertising RevenueFacebook, Google, Instagram
Marketplace/Platform-based/Brokerage/AggregatorAirbnb, Uber, eBay
Razor-Razor BladeGillette, Xbox, Printers

These models help attract and keep customers18. In B2C, the main goal is to win and keep customers, build trust, and make them want more. Companies use many ways to do this, like events, blogs, emails, contests, ads, and texts18.

When planning B2C marketing, knowing your audience, offering value, and building a strong brand is key. This helps companies gain loyalty and strong customer relationships19. It’s also vital to track important metrics like conversion rates and ROI to improve marketing and succeed19.

Let’s look at some B2C marketing wins. Nike’s “Dream Crazy” campaign boosted online sales by 31%. Airbnb’s “We Are Here” campaign increased bookings by 10%19. These stories show how important great content, social media, and personal touches are in reaching consumers19.

In summary, B2C marketing is crucial for selling directly to consumers. By knowing what they want, using smart strategies, and keeping an eye on metrics, businesses can connect with their audience, increase sales, and succeed over time1819.

B2C Marketing vs. B2B Marketing

In the marketing world, two main approaches stand out: B2C (Business-to-Consumer) and B2B (Business-to-Business) marketing. Both aim to boost sales and revenue for companies. Yet, they have key differences that marketers need to grasp for effective strategies. Let’s look at what makes B2C and B2B marketing unique.

The Target Audience

B2C marketing targets individual consumers who buy things occasionally. Companies like Amazon, eBay, Netflix, McDonald’s, and Uber fall under B2C20. On the flip side, B2B marketing aims at businesses to sell products, services, or SaaS. Companies like Coca-Cola, Salesforce, and UPS are examples of B2B20.

Marketing Objectives

The goals of B2C and B2B marketing differ. B2C aims to increase brand awareness, sales, and customer loyalty20. B2B, however, focuses on building long-term business relationships and boosting revenue20.

Content Approach

B2C and B2B marketing take different content approaches. B2C content should grab emotions, drawing in consumers20. B2B content should be professional and informative, offering valuable insights and industry knowledge20.

Purchasing Decisions

Buying decisions vary between B2C and B2B. B2C buyers are swayed by emotions, making choices based on personal wants and needs21. B2B decisions, however, are more logical, considering financial benefits and long-term value20.

Transaction Scale

Transaction sizes differ in B2C and B2B marketing. B2C buyers make small purchases for personal use20. B2B customers, though, make larger purchases as part of ongoing business relationships, often lasting years21.

Brand Recognition and Credibility

Brand strategies differ in B2C and B2B marketing. B2C focuses on the customer experience to build strong brand loyalty20. B2B, on the other hand, aims to establish credibility in the industry and be seen as a trusted partner20.

Hybrid Strategies

While B2C and B2B marketing have their own paths, hybrid strategies can blend elements from both. This approach helps businesses target a wide range of products, improve brand awareness, gain deeper market insights, reduce risks, and explore cross-promotional chances20.

Understanding the differences between B2C and B2B marketing helps businesses craft strategies that effectively reach their audience, drive sales, and meet their marketing goals.

How Does B2C Marketing Work?

B2C marketing connects with individual consumers to drive them to buy. It’s key to know the basics of B2C marketing, like the marketing funnel and effective strategies. This knowledge is vital for success in today’s competitive market.

The marketing funnel guides potential customers from awareness to conversion. It has three stages: awareness, consideration, and conversion. In the awareness stage, attracting and engaging potential customers is key. Content, stories, and targeted messages help grab their attention and build brand awareness22.

During the consideration stage, businesses share valuable info about their products. They highlight what makes them special and solve consumer problems22. In the conversion stage, the goal is to turn interested consumers into buyers with persuasive calls-to-action and a smooth buying process.

For a good B2C marketing strategy, know your audience and do thorough market research. Create detailed buyer personas to tailor your marketing. Using different marketing channels like social media and email helps reach more people and boost chances of making a sale22.

The Impact of Product Marketing in B2C

Product marketing is crucial in B2C, shaping the quality of content and engaging consumers. It means using consumer insights, solving problems, and showing product benefits. By knowing what the audience wants, businesses can make content that speaks to them and leads to sales22.

Measuring B2C marketing success is easier than other types. Key metrics like conversions and engagement show how well marketing is working. This helps businesses make smart decisions and improve their strategies22.

Real customer testimonials and social proof are strong in B2C marketing. They build trust and engage consumers. Positive feedback from happy customers makes others more likely to buy22.

B2C marketing is complex but strategic. It needs a deep understanding of the audience and the ability to create engaging content. With the right strategies and focus on product marketing, businesses can succeed in B2C and grow their revenue.

How to Start with B2C Inbound Marketing

B2C inbound marketing is a strong strategy to draw in and connect with potential customers through content that matters. To begin with B2C inbound marketing, follow these key steps:

Create a Buyer Persona

First, create a buyer persona that shows who your ideal customer is. This is a made-up version of your target audience, based on real data and market studies. It helps you know what your customers need, like, and struggle with. This lets you make content that really speaks to their interests and problems.

Understand the Buyer’s Journey

Then, map out the buyer’s journey—the steps a customer takes from noticing a problem to buying something. Knowing each step helps you make content that meets your customers’ needs and leads them to buy. B2C marketing focuses on emotional connections, so stories and feelings are key to building brand awareness and getting people to buy23.

Develop a Content Marketing Strategy

With your buyer persona and the buyer’s journey in mind, it’s time to plan your content marketing. This plan should say what kind of content you’ll make and share to reach and engage your audience. Blog posts, infographics, case studies, videos, webinars, and social media posts can all work well23. Don’t forget to use SEO in your content to get more people to find you online24.

Consistently Produce Quality Content

Being consistent is crucial in B2C inbound marketing. Posting regularly keeps your brand in people’s minds and draws more attention to your business. Content that speaks to your audience will make your brand more known and get more people involved, which can lead to more sales23. Keep an eye on important metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to see how well your content is doing and make changes as needed24.

In summary, starting with B2C inbound marketing means making a buyer persona, understanding the buyer’s journey, and planning a content marketing strategy that fits each part of the journey. By always making quality content that connects with your audience, you can draw in and engage potential customers, increase brand awareness, and boost sales.

How to Plan a B2C Digital Marketing Strategy

Planning a B2C digital marketing strategy is key for businesses to connect with their audience. Digital channels let brands offer personalized experiences and boost their online presence. Here are the main steps to make a winning B2C digital marketing strategy:

1. Set Clear Objectives and Goals

First, define your B2C digital marketing goals. They should match your business aims and be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Goals might include more website visits, more conversions, better social media interaction, or more brand awareness24.

2. Know Your Target Audience

It’s vital to know who you’re talking to. Do market research to learn about your audience’s likes, dislikes, and habits. Use this info to make buyer personas and target your content. This builds stronger connections and loyalty25.

3. Choose the Right Digital Channels

Pick the best digital channels to reach your audience and meet your goals. This could be social media, email, SEO, ads, influencer marketing, or content marketing. The right mix helps increase your brand’s visibility and engage with customers2425.

4. Create Engaging Content

Content is key in B2C digital marketing. Make content that speaks to your audience. This includes blog posts, videos, infographics, and more. Good content makes your brand a leader, builds trust, and boosts sales24.

5. Leverage the Power of Social Media

Social media is a great way to connect with your audience and improve your product pages. Use social media marketing with great content, user-generated content, and interaction with followers. Social media ads can also help reach more people and increase sales2425.

6. Optimize for Search Engines

Make sure your website is easy to find on search engines. Do keyword research and use SEO techniques like meta tags and relevant content. A fast website and quality backlinks also help attract more visitors and improve your ranking2425.

7. Track and Analyze Your Performance

Keep an eye on how your marketing is doing. Use web analytics to track important metrics like traffic, conversions, and engagement. Use this info to improve your strategy24.

By following these steps, businesses can craft a strong B2C digital marketing strategy. This strategy engages your audience, offers personalized experiences, and drives sales. Always be ready to adjust your strategy as the market and consumer tastes change. With the right plan, your B2C digital marketing can take your brand to new heights.


To make a B2C marketing strategy work, you need to really know your audience. You must communicate well and give them personalized experiences. Using digital tools and channels is also key.

By following the advice in this guide, B2C brands can get more people to know their brand. They can get more people involved, get more leads, increase sales, and keep customers coming back1126. Always be creative, keep up with trends, and always improve your marketing plans to beat the competition.


What is B2C marketing?

B2C marketing is about selling directly to individual customers. It involves promoting goods and services to people who will use them personally.

How does B2C marketing work?

B2C marketing uses a funnel to draw in potential customers. It engages them with content that matters to them. This leads them to buy.

How do I build a B2C marketing strategy?

Building a B2C marketing strategy means making content that counts. Use AI tools and tactics like influencer marketing and SEO. Don’t forget about social media.

What are some tips for a successful B2C marketing strategy?

For a winning B2C strategy, connect with customers on a personal level. Use influencers and go mobile. Set up retargeting and invest in SEO. Social media is key too.

How can Emarsys help with my B2C marketing campaigns?

Emarsys helps with B2C campaigns by offering personalized emails and dynamic content. It also has automated flows based on how customers act.

What is the difference between B2C marketing and B2B marketing?

B2C marketing sells directly to people, while B2B sells to businesses. B2C has shorter sales cycles and simpler buying. It’s all about reaching individual consumers.

What is B2C inbound marketing?

B2C inbound marketing draws in customers with helpful content. It uses buyer personas and a content strategy to engage people.

How can I plan a B2C digital marketing strategy?

Plan your B2C digital strategy by focusing on engagement and trust on social media. Create a loyalty program and offer personalized experiences to customers.

Do B2C marketing strategies work?

Yes, B2C marketing is vital for businesses targeting consumers. It boosts brand awareness, engagement, leads, sales, and loyalty.

Source Links

  1. The Complete Guide to B2C Marketing Strategies | Wrike –
  2. The Ultimate Guide To Building A B2C Marketing Strategy –
  3. What is B2C Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide –
  4. Business to Consumer (B2C) Marketing: Ultimate Guide –
  5. B2C Marketing Guide: Audience, Positioning, Sales Channels –
  6. What is B2C marketing? Definitions and strategies | MarTech
  7. What is B2C Marketing? Definition, Challenges & Strategies –
  8. B2C Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses | Collaborada –
  9. Tinder’s Co-Founder Shares B2C Marketing Strategies –
  10. B2C Marketing: 4 Proven Tips to Boost Your ROI –
  11. Ultimate Guide to Building a B2C Sales Strategy | Sales Focus –
  12. Best B2C Marketing Strategies in 2024 | Exposure Ninja –
  13. B2C Marketing Strategies and Tactics for Startups in 2024 –
  14. B2C Marketing Automation Platform –
  15. Emarsys Powers Personalized B2C Marketing at Scale with Artificial Intelligence –
  16. Complete B2C Marketing Guide: Definition, Strategies, Examples –
  17. B2C: A Comprehensive Guide to Business-to-Consumer eCommerce | Replo Blog – Shopify pages without the dev time –
  18. What is B2C Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide –
  19. The Ultimate Guide to B2C Marketing: Strategies, Trends, and Best Practices – Pipeful – B2B Lead Generation
  20. B2C vs B2B Marketing: 5 Key Differences Every Marketer Needs to Know  | VisualFizz –
  21. We Break Down B2B vs. B2C Marketing –
  22. 7 proven product marketing strategies for B2C brands –
  23. The Complete Guide To B2C Content Marketing | Scribly Media –
  24. The Complete Guide to B2C Digital Marketing Strategies –
  25. What Is B2C Digital Marketing? –
  26. What is B2C Marketing & How to Develop Effective B2C Marketing Strategies –
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